Beginning April 1, 2023 the Medicaid Continuous Enrollment Provision ends.
So, what does that mean?
Since the start of the pandemic DSS has not required anyone to do redeterminations to maintain insurance coverage. That will now stop, and families will need to complete the necessary paperwork in order to remain insured.
Please watch for mailings from DSS as the deadlines are often very tight and we would hate for any of our families to get to a medical appointment and be told they do not have insurance. If you need help doing re-determination paperwork please reach out to New Opportunities here in Torrington and they can assist. Their phone number is 860-482-9749.
Please remember to bring bank statements, paycheck stubs, client ID number, benefit award letters (if you, or dependents are receiving SSI, SSDI, SNAP, or Cash Assistance benefits) for anyone who is asking for assistance or lives in the home. You will also need your username and password (if you have filed electronically before).